Saytın Ən varlısı ol : Malena - 5 manat
Sayta Daxil Olun!
angelozi_ [Off] (06.07.2019 / 14:51) YaSHaDiGiN YeRi CeNNeTe CeViRe BiLMiRSeNSe, QaCDiGiN HeR YeR CeHeNNeMDi.. |
[Conkisde_Paradice] [Off] (09.07.2019 / 00:22) |
**__** [Off] (09.07.2019 / 00:22) |
KoNCeNo [Off] (09.07.2019 / 14:55) ,,YaLanLarini gorub uzagLasdigim insanLarin coxundan eyni seyi esidirem,,-DEYiSMiSEN!!! |
SoY GitanO [Off] (10.07.2019 / 07:01) nO llOres pOrqUe se terminO, sOnrie pOrqUe SuceDio... |
**_AY_** [Off] (11.08.2019 / 23:22) |
ceza12 [Off] (11.08.2019 / 23:25) |
_-_SeReNiTy_-_ [Off] (11.08.2019 / 23:58) YoU arE sOmEoNE iN tHe wOrLd ,bUT fOr sOMeoNE yoU arE thE wOrLd.! |
Реssimist89 [Off] (12.08.2019 / 13:35) |
January [Off] (19.04.2021 / 23:48) Du Bist Schmerzhaft Schön. |
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